субота, 2. септембар 2017.

Pencil Sketch of Night King - White Walker

Pencil Sketch of Night King - White Walker - DRAWING

As one of the most mysterious characters of the popular TV series, Night King presents a challenge to draw. Those who were in charge of physically presenting it as infallible evil have succeeded in doing so. Maybe I did this with this drawing. :)

Night King pencil sketch

Perhaps this could not be called a standard portrait, but it certainly is. The Night King is one of the characters that captures attention with his physical appearance. His face shows everything that he is, an original being with wisdom, strength and experience to win the best opponents and to leave them scared by his peaceful appearance. It was therefore interesting to present this in graphite technique and to illustrate his size. If you like this drawing you can visit my Instagram, FB page or contacting me by mail for a custom drawing. It's time for new drawings. :D

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